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Cotton Ball Book Coat: Pre-Summer Collection

Brand: The Bookshelf Hanoi   |   Status: Hết hàng

Book Coat is a product of The Goods Shelf that comes in different patterns in every season, helps protect your book and the privacy of your current read. Each pattern is limited and will not be restocked.

Denim Book Coat is our project in collaboration with FORTYTHREE - a local fashion brand, using their spare fabric in order to reduce textile waste.

Height: 26cm
Width: 20cm (when folded)

To personalize your coat, please pick available options and note your request.
E.g: "The Bookshelf" + a small book icon

Note: Color and font of the content will be fixed and chosen based on each pattern. For other requests, please dm @thegoodsshelf.hn via Instagram.

To personalize your coat with hand embroidery designs, please DM @thegoodsshelf.hn via Instagram. Each order will be finished within a week.