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How to go Meat Free

Brand: Wellback Publishing   |   Status: Hết hàng
224.000₫ 280.000₫

Championing the meat-free cause, this little book is packed full of tips to show you how to adopt a meat-free life.

• Ensuring you maintain a healthy, balanced diet.
• Tasty meat-free alternatives.
• Staples for your store cupboard.
• Dining out and eating with friends – meat-free.
• Creative plant-based recipes.

Meat used to be the key ingredient around which all our meals were based – but not any more. Plant-based diets are becoming more and more popular, and not just for health reasons. A meat-free diet can help you save money, lessen your environmental impact, lose weight and have more energy.

Whether you want to avoid meat for a couple of days a week, go completely vegetarian, or even vegan, this book will make the transition easy for you.