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Knowledge in A Nutshell: Classical Philosophy: Complete Guide to the Founders of Western Philosophy, Including Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Epicurus

Brand: Arcturus   |   Status: Còn hàng

A great book of Philosophers ideals/ideas on what makes us tick or not. Questions our though processes.
Good informative book on my shelf. - Amazon reader review

From Socrates' fascinating discussions of morality and virtue to Pythagoras' attempts to understand the arrangement of the cosmos, the thinkers of the ancient world provided us with an astonishing array of ideas that has helped to shape the modern world.

Ranging across Ancient Greek and Roman philosophy from Anaximander to Plotinus, Classical Philosophy in a Nutshell explains important ideas such as Plato's Theory of Forms, Zeno's Paradox, and the Stoicism of Marcus Aurelius.

Filled with helpful diagrams and simple summaries of complex theories, this essential introduction brings the great ideas of antiquity to everyone.

ABOUT THE SERIES: The critically-acclaimed Knowledge in a Nutshell series provides accessible and engaging introductions to wide-ranging topics, written by experts in their fields.