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Love Letters of Great Women

Brand: Đang cập nhật   |   Status: Hết hàng
Mô tả đang cập nhật

From the private papers of Anne Boleyn and Emily Dickinson to those of Empress Josephine and Queen Victoria, Love Letters of Great Women is an anthology of some of the most romantic letters in history.

As a companion to Love Letters of Great Men, this collection gives the other side of the story: the secret hopes and lives of some of the greatest women in history, from writers and artists to politicians and queens. Includes letters by:

Anne Boleyn * Edith Wharton * Mary Wordsworth * Nell Gwyn (mistress of Charles II) * Queen Victoria * the Empress Josephine * Mary Wollstonecraft * Katherine Mansfield * George Sand

Praise for Love Letters of Great Men:

'The most romantic book ever' Daily Mail

'Inspired by the Sex and the City movie... Famous men caught with pen in hand and heart in mouth' The Times