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Magazine B: No.65 LE LABO

Brand: Đang cập nhật   |   Status: Hết hàng

Founded in 2006, Le Labo is a New York–based perfume house that has become iconic for its collection of handmade perfumes and home scents available in a limited number of stores and labs around the world.

Le Labo works with some of the world's most creative and talented perfumers and uses only the highest quality raw ingredients.

Le Labo was established in 2006 by French co-founders Eddie Roschi and Fabrice Penot in Nolita, New York City. As much as the name suggests, Le Labo, which means “the laboratory” in French, is a cult perfume brand that takes its inspiration from the various goings-on of a perfumer’s lab. They pay special attention to the experience surrounding their perfumes, hand-blending and bottling each perfume in- store, labeling each with a created date and location, and allowing the customers to inscribe names or personal messages on the labels. Le Labo’s fragrances have staked out a unique presence in the industry, with charmingly distinct scents like Santal 33 and Rose 31 testifying to the brand’s deep appreciation of base ingredients.