Magazine F is a food documentary magazine co-created by Magazine B and Baemin, which introduces one particular ingredient that has had a significant impact on people’s table.
Baemin has become a critical mover and shaker in South Korean contemporary food culture, and B provides a balanced view on brands through multi-layered stories. This collaboration brings together these two areas of expertise in F, which is hoped to become a record of essential ingredients and food culture of our time.
Magazine F is a food documentary magazine that, together with Magazine B and Baedal Minjok, selects and introduces food ingredients that have a significant impact on human food culture. The theme of the 26th Magazine F is ‘Bread’.
Bread is a food made by fermenting and baking dough made by adding water, yeast, and salt to grain powder containing wheat flour. The raw materials are simple, but bread of infinite taste and shape is created depending on how time, temperature, and fermentation process are controlled. The history of bread, which dates back over 10,000 years, started with bread as a staple food and has expanded into snack bread and dessert bread with additional ingredients such as fat, butter, eggs, and sugar. We are developing baking techniques and recipes that suit everyone's preferences and tastes, including not only dining restaurants but also cafes and home baking.