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Mr Salary (Faber Stories)

Brand: Đang cập nhật   |   Status: Còn hàng

"Mr Salary is a fabulously deep and rich tale about love, an unfrequented love, a mysterious and dangerous love, which is so opulent and pure that it exists despite the carnal instincts which try to derail its purity, ebbing and flowing beneath the surface." - Storgy

My love for him felt so total and so annihilating that it was often impossible for me to see him clearly at all.

Years ago, Sukie moved in with Nathan because her mother was dead and her father was difficult, and she had nowhere else to go. Now they are on the brink of the inevitable.

Sally Rooney is one of the most acclaimed young talents of recent years. With her minute attention to the power dynamics in everyday speech, she builds up sexual tension and throws a deceptively low-key glance at love and death.