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Mrs Caliban

Brand: Faber & Faber   |   Status: Còn hàng

Reissued this year with impassioned praise from fellow authors such as Marlon James, Patricia Lockwood and Max Porter, Mrs Caliban (Faber) by Rachel Ingalls is a work of true verve and imagination. Along with her suburban housewife and lab-tested reptilian lover, Ingalls deftly, wittily and rather incredibly liberates readers from the awfulness of convention to a state where weirdness and otherness are beautiful and right. -- Sarah Hall ― Observer Books of the Year

Fresher than most things written yesterday .... Every one of its 125 pages is perfect, original, and arresting. Clear a Saturday, please, and read it in a single sitting. ― Harpers

I'm obsessed with Mrs. Caliban, Rachel Ingalls's perfect, short, bizarre, heartfelt, insane 1982 novel. ― Vogue

The amphibious cult classic: a magical tale of a suburban housewife's affair with a frogman ...

Dorothy is a grieving housewife in the Californian suburbs; her husband is unfaithful, but they are too unhappy to get a divorce. One day, she is doing chores when she hears strange voices on the radio announcing that a green-skinned sea monster has escaped from the Institute for Oceanographic Research - but little does she expect him to arrive in her kitchen. Muscular, vegetarian, sexually magnetic, Larry the frogman is a revelation - and their passionate affair takes them on a journey beyond their wildest dreams ... Rachel Ingalls's Mrs Calibanis a bittersweet fable, a subversive fairy tale, as magical today as it was four decades ago.