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Sorry Not Sorry

Brand: Sphere   |   Status: Hết hàng

Highly Entertaining. I zipped through this in a matter of a few travel days. A rollercoaster of love's highs and lows in the high-octane worlds of hedge funds, housemates and hen-dos - Pernille Hughes

Modern, very relatable and so well-written, I was instantly hooked by Sorry, Not Sorry. I loved it - Zoe May

'Absolutely brilliant... I devoured it in a few hours because it was impossible to put down... Be prepared for a rollercoaster of emotions... Had me laughing all the way through... Perfect.' Goodreads Reviewer

Is this all there is? I scraped the last dregs of Caramel Chew Chew ice cream out of the bottom of the tub with my finger and licked it. It left a sticky smear on my phone's screen when I typed into Google, "How to find love, sex and happiness."

Charlotte has always been a good girl. But being good is getting boring...

She's not just stuck in a rut - she's buried in it up to her chin. The only company she has in bed is the back catalogue of Netflix and falling in love feels like the stuff of fairy tales. So when she stumbles across a popular podcast, 'Sorry Not Sorry', which challenges women to embrace their inner bad girl, she jumps at the chance to shake things up.

Old Charlotte would never ask for a stranger's number, go on a blind date or buy lacy lingerie... But New Charlotte is waving goodbye to her comfort zone (with a side order of margaritas). And it turns out that good things happen to bad girls...

A fabulously feel-good novel that will make you laugh till you cry and leave you living life to the full, margarita in hand! If you're a fan of romantic comedies by Sophie Kinsella, Lindsey Kelk or Matt Dunn, and love TV shows like Girls, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Jane the Virgin, you won't be able to put down this hilarious read.