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The Comfort Book

Brand: Canongate Books   |   Status: Còn hàng

"Full of eloquent, cogent and positive reminders of the beauty of life . . . Will prove enormously sustaining and valuable to a lot of people . . . Genuinely uplifting . . . Haig is a sensitive, introspective and thoughtful guide to the human dilemmas that affect us all" ― Independent

'Profound, witty and uplifting' Observer
'Full of eloquent, cogent and positive reminders of the beauty of life' Independent

The Comfort Book is a collection of consolations learned in hard times and suggestions for making the bad days better. Drawing on maxims, memoir and the inspirational lives of others, these meditations offer new ways of seeing ourselves and the world.

This is the book to pick up when you need the wisdom of a friend, the comfort of a hug or a reminder that hope comes from unexpected places.