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The Dry Heart

Brand: Daunt Books   |   Status: Còn hàng

'‘Ginzburg is a unique voice.’ - Guardian

'The Dry Heart is by far Ginzburg's strangest work of fiction. . . Short enough to read in one sitting, it's a feminist classic that exposes the dark side of marriage in clean, captivating prose.' - Chicago Tribune

'This book is a Roman candle – quick and explosive.' - New York Times

'I'm utterly entranced by Ginzburg's style – her mysterious directness, her salutary ability to lay things bare that never feels contrived or cold, only necessary, honest, clear.' - Maggie Nelson

'Ginzburg gives us a new template for the female voice and an idea of what it might sound like.' - Rachel Cusk


'I took the revolver out of his desk drawer and shot him between the eyes.'

Four years before she shoots her husband and walks to a café for a coffee, a lonely young woman living in a boarding house meets an older man called Alberto. They go for long walks along the river and on the outskirts of the city; they look like lovers, although they’re not.

Alberto doesn’t tell her anything about himself and she asks few questions. Still, with little else to distract her, she lets her imagination run wild and convinces herself to fall in love. Though he doesn’t feel the same, Alberto asks her to marry him and they have a baby. But Alberto is a man who tires quickly of everything.

The Dry Heart is a short, dark and psychologically rich novel that forensically examines how an unhappy marriage comes to end in murder.