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The Fashion Business Manual: An Illustrated Guide to Building a Fashion Brand

Brand: Fashionary International Limited   |   Status: Còn hàng

"The best and most concise book about everything you need to know about starting your own fashion business. As this is so well written and well presented I will literally be buying anything this author writes without even looking at reviews! It has given me so much more than I could have even imagined. I am looking into starting my own fashion line and this book really opened my eyes to what I need to know and how hard I will need to work. I 150% recommend this book to anyone new to the industry trying to start a fashion business. You will not regret this purchase." ― Amazon Reviewer

The Fashion Business Manual is everything you need to start building your fashion brand.

It takes you step by step through building a brand from startup to retailing, using illustrations to break down complex business information into an easy-to-read visual format – making it a dynamic resource for fashion students, entrepreneurs and people in the fashion industry.