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The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire (20th Anniversary Edition)

Brand: Sounds True Inc   |   Status: Hết hàng

"David Deida must have the biggest balls in contemporary spirituality." - Vijay Rana, Watkins Mind Body Spirit

"As a woman, I've never felt so understood and validated." - Marci Shimoff, coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul

"The openness, the love! What lively new language David Deida finds for the unsayable!" - Coleman Barks, author of The Essential Rumi

"David Deida's work reveals a depth of loving the human condition and understanding its immanent spirituality I've seldom seen, even in a glimmer. It's hard for me to find words with which to express my appreciation and admiration for this unique gift." - Jenny Wade, PhD, author of Changes of Mind


20th Anniversary Edition
Featuring a New Preface from David Deida

Though much has changed in society since the first publication of The Way of the Superior Man, men of all ages still "tussle with the challenges of women, work, and sexual desire." Including an all-new preface by author David Deida, this 20th-anniversary edition of the classic guide to male spirituality offers the next generation the opportunity to cultivate trust in the moment and put forth the best versions of themselves in an ever-changing world.

In The Way of the Superior Man, Deida explores the most important issues in men's lives--from career and family to women and intimacy to love and spirituality--to offer a practical guidebook for living a masculine life of integrity, authenticity, and freedom. Join this bestselling author and internationally renowned expert on sexual spirituality for straightforward advice, empowering skills, body practices, and more to help you realize a life of fulfillment, immediately and without compromise.