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Unconventional Wisdom: Adventures in the Surprisingly True

Brand: Economist Books   |   Status: Còn hàng

"The Father Christmas of knowledge" - Giles Coren

"Books like this make you wary of ever guessing the answer to anything - Mark Mason, Daily Mail

The world can be an amazing place if you know the right questions to ask:

How much does a ghost reduce a house's value? How are winemakers responding to climate change? How much should you tip your Uber driver? Should your dog fear Easter more than fireworks?

The keen minds of The Economist love to look beyond everyday appearances to find out what really makes things tick. In this latest collection of The Economist Explains, they have gathered the weirdest and most counter-intuitive answers they've found in their endless quest to explain our bizarre world. Take a peek at some Unconventional Wisdom - and pass it on! The world only gets more amazing when discoveries are shared.