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Brand: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform   |   Status: Hết hàng

"There’s much more to Thoreau’s philosophy than can be appreciated in “Walking,” but this is an excellent essay that offers plenty of food for thought. Thoreau may (and has) been criticized for many things, but few will deny that he is an excellent writer and a stimulating thinker. I have reservations about _Walden_, but it is a book that should be read, even if it is only to disagree with it. “Walking” may not be exactly about the art of using your legs, but in its exploration of wild nature it moves us to truly become a part of the world we call our home." - Amazon Reviewer

In Walking, Henry David Thoreau talks about the importance of nature to mankind, and how people cannot survive without nature, physically, mentally, and spiritually, yet we seem to be spending more and more time entrenched by society. For Thoreau walking is a self-reflective spiritual act that occurs only when you are away from society, that allows you to learn about who you are, and find other aspects of yourself that have been chipped away by society.

This new 2017 edition of Thoreau’s celebrated essay includes an introduction by historian Elbert Hubbard.