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Why Men Don Listen & Women Cant Read Maps

Brand: Orion Paperbacks   |   Status: Hết hàng
300.000₫ 350.000₫

"This is a must- read for men and women who love each other, hate each other, or simply coexist. You will learn as much about yourself and how to improve your relationships as you will about the opposite sex." - Dennis Waitley, author of The Psychology of Winning

"The Peases have the knack of making the profound seem obvious. Brings Mars and Venus down to Earth!" - Dr. John Tickel, bestselling author of A Passion for Living

Have you ever wished your partner came with an instruction booklet? This international bestseller is the answer to all the things you've ever wondered about the opposite sex.

For their controversial new book on the differences between the way men and women think and communicate, Barbara and Allan Pease spent three years traveling around the world, collecting the dramatic findings of new research on the brain, investigating evolutionary biology, analyzing psychologists, studying social changes, and annoying the locals.

The result is a sometimes shocking, always illuminating, and frequently hilarious look at where the battle line is drawn between the sexes, why it was drawn, and how to cross it. Read this book and understand--at last!--why men never listen, why women can't read maps, and why learning each other's secrets means you'll never have to say sorry again.