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You Are Awesome: How to Navigate Change, Wrestle with Failure, and Live an Intentional Life

Brand: Gallery Books   |   Status: Còn hàng

The first book I have read by this author and I loved it. Definitely recommended. More than I would normally pay for a book but worth every penny. Thank you. - Amazon reader review


From Neil Pasricha--New York Times million-copy bestselling author of The Book of Awesome series and The Happiness Equation, thought leader for the next generation, and one of the most popular TED speakers in the world--comes a revelatory and inspiring book that will change the way we view failure and help us build resilience.

Why is life getting harder instead of easier?
How do I get back up after life knocks me down?
And how do I grow stronger and live more intentionally?

We no longer have the tools to handle failure...or even perceived failure. When we fall, we lie on the sidewalk crying. When we spill, we splatter. When we crack, we shatter. We are turning into an army of porcelain dolls.

Cell phones show us we're never good enough. Yesterday's butterflies are tomorrow's panic attacks. Record numbers suffer from anxiety, depression, and loneliness. What do we need to learn? RESILIENCE. And we need to learn it fast.

Let this #1 international bestseller teach you:
⁠-The 2-minute morning practice that helps eliminate stress
⁠-What every commencement speech gets wrong
⁠-3 questions that help tell yourself a different story
⁠-The single word that keeps your options open after failure
⁠-Why you need an Untouchable Day (and how to get one)
...and much, much more!

Because the truth is, you really are awesome.